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Natural hot springs, and some great restaurants. Our community, several different gay bars and gay clubs, a world famous gayīeach, great gay trips on boats, special tours including evenings out at Has over a dozen hotels, guesthouses, and bed and breakfasts that cater to Visited once before, or a virtual resident who comes every winter for monthsĪt a time, you'll find plenty of useful information here. Whether you're just considering a vacation here, someone who has just Puerto Vallarta has all the quaintness, without compromising

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Place or the alternative of a quaint but primitive existence.

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So visitingĪ tropical paradise doesn't have to be a choice between a modern but sterile Safe, tolerant environment are now all part of the Vallarta scene. Internet cafes, ATM machines, fine restaurants,Įxcellent airport, modern medical services, drinkable water supply, and a While retaining much of its old style MexicanĬharm, Vallarta has over the years built up the infrastructure of a modern Tropical jungle as the setting, Puerto Vallarta is a small city devoted to With a great climate, beautiful ocean bay, beaches, mountains and lush more infoĮvery year Puerto Vallarta seems to become more popular as a gay vacation

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The girls from Paco’s Ranch want to remind you that they will always be here for you.

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